
No Way Home has fans demanding Amazing Spider-Man 3 — here’s why

Before we explicate why The Amazing Spider-Man 3 is currently the talk of the internet, let's requite a quick warning. This commodity contains full spoilers for Spider-Human being No Way Dwelling house — do not read below until y'all've seen Spidey'southward latest outing.

Now that we've confirmed anybody in the room has seen No Mode Domicile, we can get down to business. Right?

Right now, the internet is demanding that Sony/Marvel go along The Astonishing Spider-Man series in the wake of Andrew Garfield reprising his version of the titular character in No Way Home. You can see their demands for yourself in the #MakeTASM3 hashtag.

Here'southward how we got here. The first Amazing Spider-Man picture show was released in 2012 and received mostly positive reviews. It was swiftly followed by a 2014 sequel that received mostly negative reviews. A third entry was planned simply was quickly shelved in favor of rebooting the character inside the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where Tom Holland took over every bit Peter Parker.

Most Curiosity fans causeless the release of Spider-Human being Homecoming in 2017 meant The Amazing Spider-Man series was washed and dusted. It certainly looked like information technology was... until Garfield re-donned the mask and tights and reminded us all that he might actually exist the best on-screen Spider-Homo to appointment (I said what I said Editor'due south note: agree to disagree).

Why do fans want The Amazing Spider-Man 3?

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 promotional poster

(Epitome credit: Sony Pictures )

Right at present, The Astonishing Spider-Man three (in varying hashtags) is trending across social media with passionate comic book fans making sure Sony/Marvel know just how much they want Garfield to get to join Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland in the Spider-Man trilogy lodge.

Why are fans and so desperate for TASM3 to go a reality? A simple explanation is that Andrew Garfield absolutely steals in the show in No Fashion Home. Maguire's take on the graphic symbol is more often than not considered the more dear, but Garfield's Peter Parker is arguably the highlight of the latest Spider-Homo movie.

Not just does Garfield get some of the films best comedic lines ("I wanna fight an alien"), but also his Peter gets a genuinely touching emotional arc which sees him successfully forestall the death of Zendaya's MJ as a sort make up for his inability to save Gwen Stacey (Emma Stone) in The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

At that place's as well a feeling among fans that Garfield has unfinished business in the role of Spider-Man. While Holland is probable to play the character for several more than years to come up, and Maguire got a full trilogy, Garfield'south played the function during a turbulent time for Sony Pictures and never actually got a film to match his talents, catastrophe on a depression note with TASM2.

Fans want to see Garfield given the chance to lead a Spider-Man once more in a film worthy of his talents.

Could The Amazing Spider-Man three actually happen?

Of course, all this fan pressure is only a ways to an cease. The big question is could The Amazing Spider-Man 3 actually happen? Manufacture insider Daniel Richtman certainly things so, tweeting "I also hear Andrew might come back."

There accept been rumbling for a while that Sony wants Spider-Man to exist a part of its own Marvel Universe (dubbed the Sony-verse by fans). With two Venom movies under its belt and Morbius due out next year, Sony definitely appears to be gearing upwardly to a big crossover movie in the style of The Avengers.

Jared Leto in a still from the Morbius trailer

(Paradigm credit: Sony via YouTube)

Don't forget that a graffiti portrait of Spider-Human being can exist seen in the first trailer for Morbius, so Sony isn't existence shy about its want to get Spidey facing off against Tom Hardy'south Venom or Jared Leto'south vampire antihero.

The mail-credits scene of Venom: Let There Be Carnage seemed to suggest that Eddie Brock and his alien symbiote pal would be joining the MCU to square off against (or perhaps team up with) Holland'due south Spider-Man. However, the post-credits stinger of No Way Domicile saw the pair warped back to their own universe. And then that's off the table, for now at least.

Maybe, Sony could kill ii birds with ane stone. Bring dorsum Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man and take the big faceoff flick it appears to badly desire in a single product. Garfield vs Hardy would certainly become butts in theatre seats, and Twitter user @areghostsreal thinks they should get one amend, and add together Deadpool.

For at present, Spider-Man producer Amy Pascal has already made it articulate that Spider-Human being will be sticking effectually in the MCU. Sony may non exist keen to have two Peter Parker's competing with each other for box office attention. Not to mention, Garfield may not even desire to return to the role full-time. He has talked previously near how difficult he establish that menstruation of his career — a supporting part in No Fashion Home may have been enough of a reprise for him.

Right now, the chances of a full-scale The Astonishing Spider-Man 3 seem fairly remote, only the power of the cyberspace was displayed early this year with the release of Zack Synder's Justice League after years of fan campaigning. Never say never.


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